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Rabu, 05 Oktober 2016

Anti-Corruption Education


“The price of corruption is poverty”.
1.      Background 
2.      the role of student 
3.      Importance of Anti-Corruption Education
4.      Anti-Corruption Education Program
Efforts DIKTI In National Character Formation
·         Declaration of the National Guard Embodiment Four Pillars
·         Declaration on Anti-Cheating and Anti-Plagiarism
·         National Character Education
·         Anti-corruption education
Corruption in Indonesia
·         Corruption is an extraordinary crime (extraordinary crime) the negative impact of the extraordinary.
·         Corruption in Indonesia is very worrying and negative impact on almost all aspects of life.
Eradication of Corruption
·         Combating corruption consists of Repression and Prevention.
·         Corruption Eradication efforts have not shown optimal results and therefore needs to be improved.
Corruption Eradication Strategy
·         Combating corruption is a series of measures to prevent and combat TPK through the efforts of coordination, supervision, monitoring, investigation - investigation - prosecution and examination before the court with the participation of the community.
We should all be subject Corruption
PP 71 Th. 2000: 
Community participation is the active role of individuals, community organizations, or NGOs in prevention
and the eradication of corruption.
·         government officials 
·         Private sector
·         community and student
·         Commitments All Parties including Universities
·         Combating corruption (particularly Prevention) should involve the participation of the community, including students.
·         Students have great potential to become agents of change and driving forces of the anti-corruption movement.
Student Role In Combating Corruption
·         Keep yourself and the student community clean of corruption and corrupt behavior.
·         Build and maintain anti-corruption movement.
Student Role In Combating Corruption
·         Education Anti-Corruption
·         Character building
·         Exam Clean Campaign
·         The idea - Ideas
·         Methods of Preventing and Combating Corruption
·         Locally-Corruption Engendering National Media
Moral movement
·         pressure Group
·         Anti-Corruption Campaign
Education Anti-Corruption
·         Requiring Student Leaders for Education Following Anti-Corruption
·         Pushing for Anti-Corruption Education on Campus
·         Anti-Corruption Seminar held
·         The presence of Anti-Corruption Education Material in Kaderisasi Students
Exam Clean Campaign
·         Making Media Prograganda (Billboards, Banners, and Posters)
·         Making Media On-line to campaign for Clean Exam
·         Instilling Values ​​Honesty / Exam Students Clean Kaderisasi
The idea / Ideas
·         Multiply opinions about corruption cases to media
·          Make Anthology (book) of the Anti-Corruption
·         Creating interactive audiovisual related to anti-corruption
Methods of Prevention of Corruption
·         The idea for the prevention of corruption early (early childhood, elementary, junior high school)
·         Make Corps Anti-Corruption at University Level
·         Their Rules of Ethics and Norma among Students
Engendering Local-National Corruption
·         Students are expected to be more sensitive and ready to respond to the issue of local corruption that occurred
·         Advocacy and Escort Budgeting and implementation of local development / national
·         Moral movement to encourage the government to follow up cases of corruption
·         As a counterweight to the group that supports the movement of criminals
·         Encouraging the Commission as an institutional strengthening anti-corruption agency is credible, robust, and transparent
The participation of students in the fight against corruption will be maximized if the student:
·         understand the knowledge about corruption and its eradication efforts
·         implement anti-corruption values ​​in him.
PAK in Several Universities
·         Anti-corruption materials have been taught in some PT (example: MK Sociology of Corruption)
·         KPK MoU with some PT since 2006 (Catholic University Soegijapranata, UNNES, etc.)
·         Anti-Corruption Education Courses For Students PPKn UNNES
·         Paramadina University compulsory courses since 2008.
·         ITB, optional subjects, since 2009.
·         Some PAK PT paste material into a particular subject.
·         Some PT has done PAK in the form of socialization / campaign / seminar.
Subjects of Interest Education Anti-corruption
·         Build anti-corruption culture among the students with:
·         Provide knowledge about corruption and its eradication
·         Instilling the values ​​of anti-corruption
·         Preparing students as agents of change for the life of society and state were clean and free of corruption.
Competency standards
1)      Students are able to recognize and understand corruption (individual competence).
2)      Students are able to prevent themselves from committing corruption.
3)      Students are able to prevent others not to commit corruption.
Shape Class Education Anti-corruption
·         Delivery of material by lecturers
·         Public lecture of the leaders fighting corruption
·         Film screening and discussion
·         Tasks (adapted to the peculiarities of Higher Education)
·         Observation / papers / work technology
Material Basic Education Anti-corruption
1)      understanding Corruption
2)      Causes of Corruption
3)      Impact of Massive Corruption
4)      Values ​​and Principles of Anti-Corruption
5)      Efforts to Fight Corruption
6)      Movement, Cooperation and International Instruments Prevention of Corruption
7)      Corruption Legislation in Indonesia
8)      Student Role In Anti-Corruption Movement


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